Friday, September 13, 2019
The United Nations regards to Public International Law Research Paper
The United Nations regards to Public International Law - Research Paper Example These laws although remain loose bindings yet are gaining strength in the presence of phenomenon of globalization. As the consensus was achieved these nations pledged to save humanity for disasters of rogue minds. It is therefore can rightly be said that these nations achieved a platform for law definition and rules of engagement among nations along with compulsion on nations. These compulsions can broadly be categorized into two main tiers which sprawl over international arena and over national level. As a nation or a government forms an entity of this global body, it is supposed to take care of its responsibilities in the global society. In global community the purpose of such a body, like United Nations, is to work for development, peace and stability which should be based on basic principles of human dignity, justice and wellbeing of all people around the globe. Similarly to find durable, and across the board, stability on the whole and within a nation, it was stipulated by laws and guidelines to have nations comply with UN charter. These guidelines and international laws compelled and brought nations on the whole towards a universal culture of peace2. Multiculturalism found its genesis in the form of International Public law. This law is discussed in this research paper which is quintessentially a part of the international law. For the peoples around the world it is very important to be under a statutory watchdog so that equal and justified treatment can be rendered to them. Various agencies and Organs of the United Nations are working of the issue of discriminatory laws that are impeding globalization and up-board treatment of various populace of the world. The platform of United Nations affords nations with an opportunity to strike a balance for interdependence and national interests when the encounter international problems. This research paper focuses on Public International Laws. It outlines organs and agencies that United Nations has provided to nati ons as watchdogs and helpers, and it also critically analysis their role and writ over the nations. There are 192 members of United Nations that have endorsed its charter and thus are bound to comply with situations that occur with time to time. The case of public international law has been under scrutiny and it is evolving with time. It is need of the hour to have resolve by member stated to adhere to these laws. International Law Agencies and Organs of the UN: Before entering into the details of Law formulating bodies of the United Nations it is important to define the area of research. Public International law is relatively newer field, yet it is growing very fast. Among all organs and agencies there are specialized bodies that look after the issues related to this field. With time United Nations is specializing in this domain to cater problems related to global trade, awareness of human rights violations, environmental problems, increase in international interaction through tran sport and communications. This domain of law making has a special impact that sprawls over international and domestic legal interpretations and implementation. Thus it can be said that with these practice the world is truly evolving into a global community or village. For the sake of understanding of public law making and implementation it can be divided into two branches. First is the national law and the second one is international conventions and
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