Thursday, November 28, 2019

HalremMecca of the new negro Essay Example

Halrem:Mecca of the new negro Essay The literary expressions during the time noted as the Harlem Renaissance had a significant affect on the New Negro.African American writers gathered to celebrate a new pride in black people and black culture, however there was not a unified voice for the movement.There was a definite goal among the black community to end segregation that was defended by the different viewpoints of great African American writers of the time.The literary explosion of the 1920s had an aspiration with many different ideas of how to attain this objective all revolving around the issues of black identity, how to retain pride in their African heritage, and coming to terms with themselves as Americans. The name given to the period for the end of World War I and through the middle of the 1930s Depression was the Harlem Renaissance.During this time, a group of talented African-American writers produced a sizeable body of literature in the four prominent genres of poetry, fiction, drama, and essay8. The literar y upsurge was broad, rich, diverse, and all encompassing the unique desire of black America to come to terms with themselves as Americans.The idealism of World War I, democracy for all, self-determination, and the revolution in Russia raised expectations of blacks throughout the world and was mirrored in their writings.New Negro radicalism was an American expression of this new consciousness.The new wave of writers that sprung from this era was calling for a radical transformation of the American economic and social order to make a fair world for black men and women.This was the foremost aspiration held in the minds of the great writers of the time and voiced by the population. Literature during this time period addressed the issue of black identity, how to retain pride in their African Heritage, and come to terms with themselves as Americans.There were many writers that voiced their opinion

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essays

The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essays The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essay The Man Who Invented Time-Slice Camera Essay Essay Essay Topic: Equus When person mentions the film Matrix. what most of us would automatically retrieve are the ocular effects technically known as slug clip. where actions or characters seemed to hold frozen in clip and so moved in a truly slow gesture. Since its popularisation in the film. many have adopted the technique. While many have started using frozen minutes. it was Tim Macmillan who discovered and developed that photographic method utilizing proficient and conceptual ways. Background Born in Portland. Oregon. on Aug. 3. 1959. Tim Macmillan has studied picture as a Fine Art pupil in Bath Academy of Art before switching to photography. It was in 1980 that his wonder was sparked and made him experiment in 2D medium to research 3D infinite. In other words. Macmillan wanted to use photographic techniques to experiment with clip and infinite. Macmillan found inspiration to happen a new manner to capture actions and looks through English photographer Eadweard Muybridge’s work. Animal Locomotion ( Prince ) . From 1982 to 1984. Tim Macmillan continued analyzing in several art establishments. during which clip. he found major ways to stop dead evident clip in a gesture image tracking shooting through the usage of multiple apertures. Name 3 Date Career Macmillan as an creative person is involved in picture taking. movie installing and telecasting production. At the start of his professional calling in 1984. Macmillan earned his life being a free-lance lensman and film maker. He so lived in Tokyo. Japan. to analyze Archery. His stay at that place lasted for five old ages before returning to the United Kingdom in 1990 to set-up his ain studio in Bath still making free-lance work. All this clip. Macmillan neer forgot his quest to happen that new method of capturing motion. Before long. he devised his first time-slice equipment. a petroleum camera design that shortly developed into something more sophisticated. In an interview. Macmillan named two inventions that helped him travel frontward with his end: the production of high-quality plastic lens. and the birth of the T-Grain 500 ASA movie ( Prince ) . Despite this progresss in his work. Macmillan was unable to capture the involvement of the advertisement industry. The medium was unseasoned and advertizers were unwilling to experiment in an invention that might do them to lose money. It was merely in 1993 through a primetime BBC scientific discipline plan that he was able to demo the populace an illustration of his work. What he showed on air stirred the populace. which likely why his technique has started to derive notice. After that. he was engaged by BBC to make documental series of natural history. He besides got calls from telecasting and film makers. Macmillan’s interruption in advertisement came in 1995 when he was commissioned to make the Name 4 Date London Static ad for Capital Radio by Smoke A ; Mirrors. He was shortly busily engaged making one undertaking after another. which included films and ad runs even in the United States. His plant included the film Wing Commander. Merlin. and ads for Nintendo. Reebok and Drug Free America. In 1996. Macmillan’s calling as a movie manager of music picture. commercials. and short movies started. A twelvemonth subsequently. he started his ain company. Time-Slices Films. Ltd. . with the vision of set uping the frozen-time technique within the telecasting and gesture image industries. It was during this clip that Macmillan reached the apogee of his end. He was already known and had proven his worth as an creative person. manager. and photographer. It was besides at this period that Macmillan had the perfect camera combination that could track shootings in any combination of time-slice motion. He called these cameras Susan and Josephine. As described in the artist’s Website. these cameras are portable and really efficient that they could track chetah running at 60 metres an hr. or dolphins in the Caribbean. and even snowball battles at below zero temperature. In BBC’s fresh assignment of a natural history series. Macmillan applied time-slice techniques in a more advanced mode utilizing a multi-flash system. In existent life comparing. watching this particular consequence in a film can be likened to walking around a statue to see it from different angles. Macmillan has realized his dream of doing a 3-dimensional scene appear planar to viewing audiences. Name 5 Date Dead Horse Among all of Macmillan’s noteworthy plants. it was his Dead Horse installing graphics that has gotten the highest acknowledgment and established him as an creative person of the highest quality. The graphics shows a adult male keeping a Equus caballus by the reins. The animate beings head near to the adult male. The Equus caballus is captured while its four hooves are off the land. organic structure striving from its reins. At first glimpse. it would look like the adult male is drawing the Equus caballus towards one of the stallss. But on closer review of the background shadow. a rifle can be seen pointed at the horse’s caput. The scene is in fact taken from an butchery. and the Equus caballus is seeking to fly from its decease. But it was already excessively tardily ; the slug has entered the animal’s caput. The work captures the animate being. which is surely traveling to decease but is non dead yet. It was a attractively affecting work of art. The Dead Horse has been dubbed a authoritative in the life dead genre. In this art. Macmillan showed that as an creative person he understood that picture taking life can merely be viewed as a re-animation that is neither life nor decease ( Barrett ) . Other Plants From 1984 to 2000. Macmillan has done 29 exhibitions and filmography ; eight agitation showing ; eighteen air Television work and time-slice particular effects ; and 24 commercial directing. His recent plants. through the Time-Slice company. include BBC’s Light Fantastic Logo. MacDonald’s. and Expedia. Plants Cited Barrett. David. â€Å"Animation. † Frieze Magazine Issue 42. September-October 1998. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. frieze. com/issue/review/animation/ gt ; Picture This place page. Tim Macmillan Touring Project. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. picture-this. org. uk/2000/tim. htm gt ; Photographers at Duckspool. Home page. 2004. Tim Macmillan. 7 November 2007. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. duckspool. com/duckspool/tutors/tim_macmillan/tim_macmillan_main. htm gt ; Prince. Ron.â€Å"Freezing the action: Tim Macmillan continues to make astonishing images and has some new fast ones up his arm – Special Report: Technology – Brief Article. † Advanstar Communications. Inc. June 2002. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //leo. stcloudstate. edu/research/mlaelecmedia. html # professional gt ; â€Å"Tim Macmillan. †Ocular Artists. 7 November 2007. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //realworld. co. uk/art/timmac/index. hypertext markup language gt ; Time-Slice Films. Homepage. 7 November 2007 lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. timeslicefilms. com/ gt ;

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Statistical works and solutions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statistical works and solutions - Coursework Example The correlation coefficient for this graph is 0.903293.The data are positively correlated and is closer to 1 which is perfectly correlated. This means that both data will reduce or increase all together. Correlation Coefficient determines the association of two variables and varies between will vary from -1 to +1(Wigmore, 2013). In negatively correlated variables, variables changes in opposite direction, while in positively correlated variables, both variables increase and decrease in the same direction. From above HPI and GDP, Ecological Footprint and HDI are positively correlated while the rest are negatively correlated In conclusion, the outcome from the graphs, result generated from excel, namely mean, media and Correlation Coefficient are closely related. The characteristics of the data can also be obtained from the variables using more than one method, either graphically or by calculation which is generated from the excel. Lastly, it is recommended to use more than one method when doing data analysis in order to come up with true interpretation of the results. Pearson, K (1895) .Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Evolution. II. Skew Variation in Homogeneous Material. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell Essay

The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell - Essay Example Rainsford becomes the prey and in doing so the author unveils the resourcefulness and animal instinct that lies below Rainsford's pompous exterior. Here we glimpse the evil that lies at the primal core of all men such as Rainsford. Rainsford is portrayed as a man of breeding and good manners. He hunts animals because he believes they have no understanding and are incapable of feeling fear or pain. He shows his arrogance on the yacht by insisting he knows the mind of the jaguar and rebuffing the anecdotal tales of Ship-Trap Island as nonsense. Rainsford's smug attitude is further revealed as he "indolently puffed on his favorite brier". However, in his first physical challenge, Rainsford falls overboard as he struggles to retain the symbol of his self-indulgent aristocracy, his treasured pipe. The pompous Rainsford now confronts the sea and a more resourceful man is revealed. He "wrestled himself out of his clothes", as the yacht became a dim drone in the distance. The keen-witted Rainsford is able to make his way to the direction of the gunshots and locate the chateau of General Zarnoff. Zarnoff feeds and clothes Rainsford and tells him of his grisly preoccupation with hunting humans. Rainsford is repulsed by the idea and demonstrates his basic belief in puritan civilization by perceiving Zarnoff as a murderer.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Classrom observation Report for cultural issues in ESL class Case Study

Classrom observation Report for cultural issues in ESL class - Case Study Example Teaching an ESL class should comprise of an understanding the different cultures represented in the class, the objective of the course and that of the students in finding out the kind literacy and knowledge valued and continuously finding new ways of making the classroom more interesting to improve the learning capability of the students especially when both the teacher and the students come from different cultures â€Å" Even more of a gap in expectations ,beliefs and classrooms practices may arise where students come from a culture that is relatively distinct or distant from that of the teacher† (Byram & Michael, 1998 p.101) I. Description of the classroom context The classroom observed was at The International Language Institute in Washington, DC. It has provided language training to thousands of students from around the world, the fact that students come from different parts of the world implies that the classroom is endowed with a variety of cultures that should all be pu t into consideration when planning for ESL classes. The influence of culture is more that the background effect â€Å"It has a deep effect on classroom processes because it is significant factor in how teachers and students perceive language learning and how they evaluate each other role and classroom performance† (Jin & Cortazzi, p.98)". ... years of experience in the field of ESL, both in the United States and in Europe, he has worked in every facet of the industry and this has widened his experience in handling student from diverse backgrounds. He has also devised ESL programs for some of the world's leading corporations, including Alstom, Business Objects, McKinsey, Raytheon and authored over a dozen manuals for learners of English for Specific Purposes. The Institute offers a comprehensive, eight week certificate course. The course provided focus on practice in teaching the four fundamental language skills of reading, speaking, listening and writing, and the sub skills of pronunciation vocabulary and grammar. Components of the course include planning of lessons, teaching practice in individual and group settings, observing peers and practicing teachers, keeping teaching records, critical self-observation and compiling of a portfolio of materials for teaching, and career planning and management (International Language Institute, 2010). The main goal of the course is to teach and perfect the students reading, speaking, writing and listening skills in the language being undertaken. Most of the students have the goal of becoming efficient users of the foreign language so that they can apply it in their professional capacity and at individual levels. II. Description and analysis of the cultural elements observed There were a number of cultural aspects, both explicit and implicit which were observed in the class, as discussed below; Cross Cultural Understanding was the most outstanding explicit cultural element that was observed. The fundamentals of cross cultural understanding are that people have the basic ability to recognize, interpret and correctly react to people within business. Another explicit

Friday, November 15, 2019

Medical Heroin Use in Cancer Treatment: Ethical Appraisal

Medical Heroin Use in Cancer Treatment: Ethical Appraisal HEROIN USED IN CANCER TREATMENT- ETHICAL OR NOT Name: Engin LAP INTRODUCTION Our research in cancer treatment used heroin, morphine ethical assessment of the use of such agents will be carried on. The method used will be used as a qualitative method. Research investigating various literature, obtained via literature will be discussed. Cancer is one of todays most important health problems. Frequent and due to the high deadly is a public health problem (Eti, 2005). Of patients with cancer of the biggest fears that a deadly disease of cancer, the second biggest fears of the disease have been shown to cause severe pain. Cancer diagnosed patients, %20-35 disease middle period %30-50 of patients and advanced stage patients in the %60-100 lesion type and by substituting moderate or severe pain in the draw (Eti, 2005). Treatment and care of patients with health care professionals and health care institutions struggle for managers of ethics requires an array. When it comes to cancer, the situation is more delicate and complicated. The goals of medicine in the decision (to maintain health, to improve quality of life, to prevent untimely death, to relieve pain and suffering) are difficult to obtain (Uà §an, 2007). Every decision indirectly affect the patients quality of life and life expectancy due to the oncologist, treatment and care of cancer patients are expected to adhere to the highest ethical standards (Ersoy, 2009). Pain in cancer patients appears to be the most common symptoms and in the last stages of life are increasing in prevalence and severity. By adversely affecting quality of life and integrity for patients and their relatives than even death itself can be a source of great fear (Uzunoglu, 2011). Solving the pain or the pain was not addressed, inadequacy and pain sufferers have decrea sed the quality of life of people. Uncontrolled pain person physical activity, social relationships negatively affect psychological tension increases. The food habits of people with chronic pain, sleep patterns and social structure are adversely affected. The relationship between pain and psychological well-being is extremely complex and inversely proportional. Mood, perception of pain and pain-related experience can increase the intensity. Likewise, the presence of pain is the most important determinant of mood . Pain Management is a Patient Rights. The most important purpose of the rights of patients of health care to everyone, equally accessible and can be delivered in a continuous manner. When evaluated in terms of ethical pain; Do not leave people in pain that can be corrected is contrary to human rights has been concluded. Everyone deserves to be in pain pain relief. If this right stems from respect for human rights in the world. Health workers also an important responsibility is to provide adequate analgesia to pain sufferers. Cancer of the disease compared to people suffering from the disease are experiencing pain. In determining the source of pain intensity is the patient. Subjective complaints in which the objective evaluation of pain measurement scales which are usually between 0-10 verbal or numerical scale used. Pain assessment scale of five or more is important that both of the patients pain, as well as an indication of the quality of life is greatly distorted. 7 pain measurement scale 1-4 mild pain, moderate pain is 5-6, while 7-10 is classified as severe pain apioid are used for pain relief. To be effective in treating different types of pain, route of administration due to the diversity and reliable property constitutes the main treatment in cancer pain. During Cancer Treatment; The methods used for the treatment of severe pain in the second step involved with drugs or unavailability of adequate effective in cases where the pain is very severe opioid weak to strong opioids are used instead of the WHO analgesic ladder system should be made to step 3. Strong opioids are quick and slow-release preparations. Morphine, hydromorphone, bupren-fun, methadone, fentanyl, alfentanil, heron strong opioids are the most commonly used in Europe. These include oral, parenteral, buccal, transdermal, transmucosal and transnasal ways be given. Optimal pain control, analgesic doses given on a regular basis can be realized by (Ripamonti C., 2009 Messina J., 2008). Ä °nforming A pain relieving the pain of suffering related to how health services should be clear and easy to reach. Pain for the patients own case that the interference characteristics, risks, benefits the right to know exactly if there are alternatives. Physicians to withhold information would be more useful in patients with faith may not be familiar with the consent of the family. For example, many cancer patients disease in our country what it is, or what awaits them in dealing with the disease do not know. Patient status of chronic pain patients to pain and disability in order to eliminate planned painkillers to be used as analgesics angle (morphine, heroin) operation characteristics of the patient analgesic in terms of expected contribution about the transfer of information understandable language, foreign words that are not to be done with. Approval The prerequisite for any medical intervention after the patients informed consent for the procedure is planned. The surgery patients have the right to refuse or stop. In such a case the patient should be explained the consequences of the attempt madeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹. Patients will not be reported to the contrary, a statement in an emergency or if the attempt is made in advance. If the attempt to get the approval of the patients legal representative can be made (Evren, 1997). Even if the patients legal representative should participate in the decision making process itself. The use of all components of the human body and is essential for maintaining the patient consent. However, diagnosis, treatment and care Heroin, Morphine drug use can be applied without the consent of the patient when needed (TellioÄÅ ¸lu, 2002). Addiction, Tolerance and Detoxification All serious side effects of pain medications and methods are available. When considered ethically adequate pain relief pain patients and physicians, the balance should be made available with minimal side effects, morphine used in cancer treatment, there are side effects of substances such as heroin. Addiction, tolerance and physical dependence on the substance of abuse was defined as. Tolerance, substance repeated, exposure, in the form of a reduction in the pharmacological response represents adaptation. Physiological dependence, uptake ceases or is reduced significantly, emerging situations that are marked with withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms, substance starts as soon disappear from the body via metabolism, and excretion of the substance initially in the direction opposite of the effect of rebound effects (Evren, 1997). Detoxification is the first step to start treatment and stay out without real success is not the situation. The more difficult aspects of treatment, drug-taking behavior is protection again. The adaptability of the body, treated with any known drug and is not dependent on tolerance and withdrawal symptoms often occur should be noted that (Evren, 1997). Detoxification of patients addicted to heroin and other opioids, just stay away from long-term substa nce or opioid antagonist with maintenance helps to prepare rehabilitation. Because most patients relapse quickly because they are away from substances remain in the program, although supported by society and the private health care system, even though detoxification is usually unsuccessful. Heroin is used in medical terms (recreational drug) use of terms can be highly addictive (Evren, 1997). Again there is no detoxification. However, opioid withdrawal syndrome in medical terms used obtrusive, though, is not life threatening and long acting opioids, such as morphine, can be easily treated by reducing the dose gradually (Evren, 1997). Heroin/Morphine usability in Cancer Treatment Adequate pain management in cancer patients can not be provided without the dedication of the function. It is not possible to extend the design life in cancer patients. Then the latest objectives of should be to prolong life. These objectives and priority in making belà ¼ien both clinicians and patients also should play a role. As mentioned previously proposed methods for the treatment of pain serious side effects may be undesirable (CansÄ ±z, 2002). For example for cutting pain opioid tolerance can lead to the high dose. This tolerance is a state abbreviation patient survival but reduces the quality of life. briefly outlined and exemplified patient rights and physician to the patient of their duties properly fulfilled only physicians as health provision employees interests are not at the same time the government, hospitals, nurses, insurance companies, health care workers providing education to medical schools, nursing schools as institutions that are interested with. In diff erent countries in different stages of this hierarchical order is clogged (CansÄ ±z, 2002). For example in some countries for the treatment of pain and the morphine-like analgesics can be achieved due to various causes is still very difficult. At this point, after obtaining these drugs from the government until the pharmacist is responsible for everyone. Human rights and ethical principles that can be treated when viewed in the light of a serious crime is not limited to pain relief enough. Some of insensitivity on this issue when the system is insensitive clinicians are dragging. The problem is systemic and widespread legal size already out anyone who can not examine the moral dimensions of this problem (CansÄ ±z, 2002). METHOD In this research in cancer treatment used heroin, morphine ethical assessment of the use of such agents will be carried on. In the research literature will be scanned and analyzed. The method used will be used as a qualitative method. Research investigating various literature, obtained via literature will be discussed. DISCUSSION Cancer patients welfare should be provided, the patient must be protected from potential harm. Patients and their families should be provided for all of the support, the pain should be minimized. For this purpose, the most effective method is the effective treatment of pain and other symptoms. In the treatment of patients with cancer pain, inability to use ones free will, have the ability to be able to use various dilemmas arising out is considered (Ersoy, 2009). Sometimes patients refuse treatment. Patients rejected pain when they are required to investigate the cause of the clinician. We all know the pain which is caused by cancer drugs, radiotherapy and surgery as a treatment for these patients is generally insufficient and emergency assistance is needed analgesic (Ersoy, 2009). Despite the side effects of the recent target for cancer patient should be pain relief. Cancer patients welfare should be provided, the patient must be protected from potential harm. Patients and their fam ilies should be provided for all of the support, the pain should be minimized. For this purpose, the most effective method is the effective treatment of pain and other symptoms. CONCLUSION Cancer is one of today’s most important health problems. Frequent and killing is high, is a public health problem. The development of diagnostic possibilities and opportunities to benefit from health care organizations with the increase of cancer cases are diagnosed each year more. Patients undergoing cancer treatment is undergoing a painful process. Untreated pain; the patients physiological functions, mental functions such as thinking and communication, reduce quality of life by adversely affecting their social relations and psychological disorders can cause. Cancer related pain can be seen as a result of suicide attempts. So removal of pain during cancer treatment is very important. If the patients pain during cancer treatment doctors in terms of blocking requires ethical responsibility. Heroin is used for the prevention of pain, such as morphine can be thought as an ethical matter. An arduous process in which cancer pain and in the treatment of a legal requirement that pat ients rights, Approval, Information and ethically when we think of patients with this stage to accept the result of the treatment and pain relief methods, in terms of the methods used is ethical considered. REFERENCES AÄÅ ¸rÄ ± ve etik ahlakÄ ±, AÄÅ ¸rÄ ± ve analjezikler Arslan, D., TatlÄ ±, A. M., ÃÅ"yetà ¼rk, ÃÅ". (2013) Kansere BaÄÅ ¸lÄ ± AÄÅ ¸rÄ ± ve Tedavisi. CansÄ ±z, K. H., Ä °nangil, G., Kuyumcu, M., Yedekà §i, A. E., Ã…Å ¾en, H., Ãâ€"zkan, S., DaÄÅ ¸lÄ ±, G. (2012). Respiratory Depression Caused by Heroin Use.TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin,11(2), 248-250. Çelik M. (2009) Kanser aÄÅ ¸rÄ ±sÄ ±nÄ ± giderici yà ¶ntemler Ersoy N. (2009). EtiÄÅ ¸e uygun kanser bakÄ ±m sistemi. Hacettepe T†ºp Dergisi ; 40:102-107 Eti, Z. (2005) Kanserde aÄÅ ¸rÄ ± tedavisi. Evren C.(1997) BAÄÅ ¾IMLILIK Ä °Ãƒâ€¡Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ °N ARAÃ…Å ¾TIRMA TEMELLÄ ° Ä °LAÇ TEDAVÄ °LERÄ °NÄ °N TANZÄ °MÄ ° KAYACAN, N., KARSLI, B., Anesteziyoloji, A. ÃÅ". T. F. Kanserde AÄÅ ¸rÄ ± Tedavisi. Kebudi, R. (2006). Terminal dà ¶nemde kanserli à §ocuk ve ailesine yaklaÃ…Å ¸Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ ±m.Tà ¼rk Onkoloji Dergisi,21(1), 37-41. nonfarmakolojik yà ¶ntemler.FÄ ±rat SaÄÅ ¸lÄ ±k Hizmetleri Dergisi,2(4), 124-133. Keskinbora, K., Keskinbora, K. AÄÅ ¸rÄ ± ve TÄ ±bbi Etik.Clinic Medicine, 1306-2123. Ripamonti C, Bandieri E.(2009) Pain therapy. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 70(2):145- 59.. TellioÄÅ ¸lu, T., TellioÄÅ ¸lu, Z. (2012). TÄ ±bbi esrar psikiyatrik bozukluklarÄ ±n tedavisinde kullanÄ ±labilir mi?.Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni,22(1). Uà §an, Ãâ€"., Ovayolu, N. (2007). Kanser aÄÅ ¸rÄ ±sÄ ±nÄ ±n kontrolà ¼nde kullanÄ ±lan yà ¶ntemler UzunoÄÅ ¸lu S. (2011). Kanser HastalarÄ ±nda AÄÅ ¸rÄ ±ya YaklaÃ…Å ¸Ãƒâ€žÃ‚ ±m, 24: 14-20

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Caliban in Shakespeares The Tempest Essay -- essays research papers

The Tempest, considered by many to be Shakespeare’s farewell to the theatre, has of all his plays the most remarkable interpretive richness. The exceptional flexibility of Shakespeare’s stage is given particular prominence in The Tempest due to its originality and analytic potential, in particular in the presentation of one of his most renowned and disputed characters, Caliban. Superficially portrayed in the play as a most detestable monster, Caliban does not evoke much sympathy. However, on further examination Caliban presents himself as an extremely complex character and soon his apparent monstrosity is not so obviously transparent. The diverse range of presentations of him on stage exemplifies Caliban’s multifarious character. Although Caliban attempts to rape Miranda, appearing initially to be nothing more complex than a degenerate beast and so should be presented as such, Caliban is in fact a human being and not a monster, misunderstood only because Prospero, the colonizer, has unjustly depicted him as being merely a primitive native. At the time of The Tempest, settlers began moving out of Britain to colonize America, Africa and parts of Asia. Laying a claim to overseas territory was becoming increasingly important to national identity and power. The voyages of Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama sparked what has come to be known as the age of European Expansion, when England and the rest of Europe began devoting their energies to exploring and developing markets overseas. When The Tempest was written, these immensely important social events were on the top of everyone’s mind, including, presumably, Shakespeare’s. It is for this reason that the play is often considered an allegory of European discovery and i... ...ual intentions behind the creation of the play can never be revealed. However the bulk of the evidence points towards a Caliban who is, despite his possible demonic parentage and unspecified deformity, a human, and it often appears that Shakespeare wished him to be presented as such. This view is not unfounded, as it was known that Shakespeare had read, and indeed quoted from Michel de Montaigne’s ‘Of Cannibals’ where it is argued that the customs of natives were not barbarous or uncivilised, merely different. Post – colonial interpretations of The Tempest appear to view Caliban in a similar light. Caliban’s wonderful grasp and description of his surroundings does not suggest evil, rather his words imply a true innocence. Caliban is not a monster and so should not be presented as such, he is simply bare, unimproved nature, an example of humanity at its rawest form.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Organizational Levels

1) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 1: Key Players (Stakeholders) and Business Ideas (Purpose). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Establishing, Refining, or Monitoring? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. In my opinion refining is the most appropriate leadership challenge for the above scenario. Developing superior graphic design products and services through Innovation, teamwork and leadership is Listo’s mission. Due to the expansion of the company teamwork and leadership have been affected most. New employees are less trained thus, they lack proper leadership quality. People in habit of working for a small company where they knew each and everyone suddenly had to work for a large company where their opinions and values were not concerned. Thus keeping in mind of these situations refining in management is required in Listo to achieve its mission. 2 )Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 2: Entity (Culture) and Strategy (Mission). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Defining, Shaping, or Publicizing? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response Listo’s mission is to develop superior graphic design product through innovation, teamwork and leadership. Due to sudden change in the management, employees’ adaptation in the new environment has been difficult. So shaping the management as per the company’s mission is the appropriate leadership challenge response 3) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 3: Departments (Units) and Key Results (Success Factors). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Involving, Facilitating, or Communicating? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Communicating is the appropriate leadership challenge response for the above scenario. Addition of new layers to the hierarchy creates new chain of commands which results confusion. So proper communication channels should be established regarding the new management system. 4) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 4: Teams (Groups) and Goals (Objectives). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Focusing, Unifying, or Connecting? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Connection of new hires with the previous employees is required for the team to direct towards achieving goals. If the employees are connected with each other than by implementing motivation theories they can be made unified and focused so priority should be given in connecting people. 5) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 5: Individuals (People) and Tasks (Jobs). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Enabling, Engaging, or Empowering? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Empowering the employees is the best option for the above case scenario. Increase in the turnover rates and absent leaves suggests that employees have lost their energy and passion working for the company. One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of concern management has shown towards the employees. Empowering employees makes them feel of importance and the fact company giving them an important responsibility generates a desire and passion to fulfill the task effectively.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Mitt Romney and Fg Dfsg Gfg Essay

Mitt Romney and Fg Dfsg Gfg Essay Mitt Romney and Fg Dfsg Gfg Essay ffbnfbmsdfkjvbgsdfvjsdbfvkljsbdfkvbsdfklbgsdkjfbgsdfkgsdfgds- fgdsfgdsf gdsfgdsfgdsfgdsfgsdfgsdfgdfg dsf g dsfg fd gdsfg dsfg sd fg sdfg sdf g dsfg sd gf d g sfdg dfasgvdvzcxvzxcvzxkchgksdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdfdgcvjxbvkzdhvb- sdojvbSDLBCVJDSBcJHDSCBdlshbchDCBSLBHCDSLcbBjCDSLBclbDCSDSLh- lblcdjkggerjkgdngggggggggdsfklglksdfgsdfgsdfglnsdflgkjnflgks- dnfgjkldfnglkjfngljkdfnglkfdjgnldfkjgndfkjsgnlksdfjnglskdjfn- glsdjfnglkjdfnlgkjsdnfgkjsndfgjlnsfdjgndflkjgnsdjkfngjskdfng- jksdfngdskjfgnsdkfjngkjsdfngkjdsfngjdsnfgjkdnsfgnsdfjgnsdfjk- ngksdfjngksdjfngksdfngsdjfngkjsdfngksdfjngjfdngskjdfngkjsdfn- gkjsdfngkjsdnfgkjnsdkfjgnsfkgnskjdfgnksdfngjkfdngskjfngksjnf- gjksdnfgkjsndgkjnf nfg nsdf gnjkf nsd fg sd fknjfl gnsdfgnskdjfg gg fdk nlgjksdfnlg dlf sldfkj gnsdfgn sfd jkng sdnfg sdf ggsdg g d g fnfnn n n n n n nn fjfjfjfjjgjgffghghfh h h h gfhgjfgh fjg hh gfg jhfjf ghjf gg hgh g hf fgjhfghj fghjfgjhfgfj h h h h h h hh h jh jfghjfgfhghfhgffgfhgffg f g f g fg hfgfgfgfgfgh f gf gi r ghie irhg ier er ueu r p p ap fapdspfdgdf fg dfsg gfg gfg gdsd asd asda sd sdasdasda asdasd asdasdasd asdfgf grgew qwe htyhb wqe yth wer hrw htw ad grtersef Mitt Romney (born 1947) is an American businessman who was Governor of Massachusetts from 2003 to 2007 and the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election. He was raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, by his parents Lenore and George Romney, and spent two years in France as a Mormon missionary. He married Ann Davies in 1969, with whom he has had five children. After studying at Brigham Young and Harvard universities, he joined the management consultancy Bain & Company before co-founding the spin-off investment firm Bain Capital. He unsuccessfully ran as the Republican candidate in the 1994 Massachusetts election for Senate against Ted Kennedy. He relaunched his political career after successfully running the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics. Elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002, he helped enact state health care reform legislation, the first of its kind in America. Romney won the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. H e was the first Mormon to be a major party presidential nominee. Romney lost to Barack Obama by 332–206 electoral votes and by 51–47 percent of the popular vote. (Full article...) Recently featured: Early Netherlandish painting – Aleeta curvicosta – Faryl Archive – By email – More featured articles... Did you know... From Wikipedia's new and recently improved content: The Upper Flask after George Steevens lived there ... that the wits of the Kit-Kat Club would sup their summer ale at the Upper Flask (pictured)? ... that Millie Knight, the youngest ever British Paralympic athlete, was the flagbearer at the 2014 Winter Paralympics opening ceremony? ... that the government of China has installed over 20 million surveillance cameras across the nation? ... that Senegalese communist leader Seydou Cissokho died in Moscow while visiting the 1986 congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union? ... that a space-grade version of the NEC V70 microprocessor was in the main computer module of the Japanese H-IIA launch vehicles? ... that Prince of Wales F.C. was one of the first civilian football clubs in Gibraltar? Archive – Start a new article – Nominate an article In the news Boeing 777 aircraft Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (aircraft pictured), en route from

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Racism in the media Essays

Racism in the media Essays Racism in the media Paper Racism in the media Paper Similarly, Muharrar (1998) had two findings, through a content analysis of a local TV station, that a) crime is violent and b) criminals are non-black. There are a few reasons for this, as explored by Dixon et al: Crime is first and foremost a staple ingredient of local news. Network news tends to emphasise political and international coverage, and this may reduce the number of perpetrators represented overall. The overall theme of network news is politics and policy, not crime. As a result, when they do focus on crime it tends to be on non-violent and white-collar crime. Their emphasis on whites in a variety of crime roles may be linked to attempt to increase ratings given the racial majority of white people in the US. Editors of network news may also use whites more often because this imagery is more comfortable and intriguing to the white audience. Fictional vs. Reality-based TV shows A second interesting finding was from Tamborini et al (2000). It showed how African Americans are portrayed more negatively in reality-based police shows/televised news/newspapers than in fictional programmes about crime. For example, reality-based shows are more likely to present African Americans as poorly-dressed, handcuffed, more physically threatening and nameless. 93% of robbery suspects featuring in a local newspaper were African American and more than 80% on local TV newscasts. Whites are also mostly cast as officers in this genre. It is suggested that these programmes encourage racial hostility, formation of ethnic stereotypes and fear of African Americans. In contrast, fictional programmes depict whites as criminal suspects more often than minorities. African-Americans also represent 10% of all perpetrators on television. The limitation of minorities in these roles on fictional programmes suggests that the favourable portrayal of Blacks in these minor roles does not pose a threat to the white man on television. Prior Research vs. Modern Research A few of the articles found disparities between prior research and their own research on the topic. For example, Sabo et als study (1995) on televised sporting events previous research on the topic had shown that televised sport reinforced African American stereotypes as less intellectual, described them commonly in physical terms and generally portrayed them in a negative light, in comparison to white athletes. However, their study discovered that a conscious effort was made by commentators to avoid prejudicial treatment of minority athletes and instead produce a balanced multi-cultural atmosphere. Commentators almost never mentioned race. They also found that Blacks were least likely to receive negative comments out of all nationalities. Overall, no significant differences were yielded in the number of positive evaluations by race and ethnicity. Similarly, as Gilens (1996) argues, most studies examining the proportion of ethnic or minorities appearing in news coverage found that blacks were under-represented in all areas of news media. His study however, showed that US newsmagazines grossly over-represented African Americans as poor people. Overall, they made up 62% of poor people pictured in stories, over two times their true population of 29%. Another example is Bowen and Schmid (1997), who based their study of advertising in magazines. Previous research showed that that the use of Asians and Hispanics was very small and in decline. However, there study discovered that (in one section based on 5 ads) Hispanics had more major roles than Black and Asian models in mixed-ethnic ads. TV advertisements vs. Magazine advertisements Differences could undoubtedly be identified between portrayal of minorities in TV advertisements and magazine advertisements. Mastro Stern (2003) found in their study of TV commercials the use of models went in this order white, then Black, Asian, Latino, Native American and finally other. However, Bowen and Schmids (1997) similar study of magazine ads found the use of Asian and Hispanic extremely limited Asians decreased from 2. 5% to 1. 8%, and Hispanics decreased from 1. 5% to 0. 6%. This decline in use of Asians highlights differences between the considerable use of Asians in TV commercials and the decline in their use in magazine advertisements. Also, Mastro Stern found that Blacks were portrayed more diversely and at true rates to their population, indicating an incline in use of Blacks. However, Bowen Schmid found that although there has been an increase in the use of Blacks in magazine advertisements, it still tends to be stereotypical and depicting them as athletes, and blues/jazz musicians thus showing that magazines tend to hinder their flexibility in roles, unlike television which appears to portray them more diversely. However the two articles did have a similar finding Mastro Stern found that blacks, whites and Latinos were usually seen in advertisements not at work and Asians were usually found at work. Bowen Schmid found that Blacks were usually represented in ads regarding finance/insurance, but more significantly, in ads for automobile and travel. Automobile and travel ads usually project images of driving, travelling or holidaying and this backs up the former argument that black people are not represented working in any advertisements, Also, despite infrequent use of Asians in magazine ads, Bowen Schmid highlighted one ad in which an Asian model was working as an air hostess, again backing up the finding that Asians are represented at work in advertisements. We must combat exclusion and work towards a media landscape that corresponds more to the multi-cultural and pluralistic realities in Europe (Ouaj, 2000). All writers and theorists offer similar solution processes to tackle the problem of racism in the media. A lot of emphasis was placed upon the importance of the relationship the media have with their audiences. Ferguson (2000) emphasises throughout his article that deconstructing racism is not only the possibility if the media but also the responsibility of the medias fluctuating and travelling audiences. He instructs media audiences to develop our abilities as analysts of media messages, develop our skills as active citizens in democracies, and combine a development of our understanding of media representations with a willingness to exercise our democratic and consumer rights. Husband (2000), on the other hand, sees it as primarily the responsibility of the media industry to take initiative and incorporate new media groups to represent minorities. The essential element in any model of a polyethnic media environment, he says, must be the presence of a wide range of autonomous minority ethnic media that are capable of adequately portraying the interests of ethnic minorities. On top of this, he suggests the implementation of complementary media which actively aim to promote dialogue across certain boundaries. Van Dijk (2000) emphasises the need for a conscious effort to promote high-quality, objective journalism. He uses the example of the Inetrnational Federation of Journalists in Brussels, where they set up a commission composed of experts to monitor ethnocentrism, xenophobia and racist prejudices in the media. Journalists who distinguish themselves by excellent multicultural practices though reporting or programme-making receive a prize. Such procedures would indeed encourage good practices and standards of excellence among young journalists in particular. Racist and the mass media most of the time are intertwined phenomena (Oauj, 2000). Minority figures have, for too long, been denied professional access to the industry. Whether the exclusion lies with the absence of on-screen minority characters, or if it lies behind the scenes in production and management, this is racism in its purist form. The industry is not only sacrificing its own integrity, but also sacrificing good opportunities to integrate high-qualified, intelligent journalists of ethnic descent into their production processes. Advertisers also must take initiative. They must look beyond the young, white, middle-class audience and branch out to the vast amount of minorities who are just as capable as white people of purchasing consumer good and avail of consumer services. Taken altogether, the spending power of African Americans, Hispanics and Asians equals $395 billion. Surely, someone can see an opportunity to cash in on the tastes and spending capabilities of these large communities. Minorities read mainstream magazines and buy mainstream products. Its time they received mainstream treatment. (Bowen Schmid, 1997) Responsibility must be taken and inroads must be made. Media professionals must learn to adopt and enact recognised professional standards of quality, fairness, balance and social responsibility. They must disregard our style and standard that serves only to eliminate people outside their convention. Such fair standards and practices have become particularly important if the media are to play a positive role in the development of multi-cultural societies, who respect human rights of minorities. This is the month that Ireland celebrated the EU Presidency, and the government have promised to welcome 10 new states to the EU by encouraging and promoting multi-culturalism, ethnicity and nationality throughout the nation. The media, one of the prominent cornerstones of our democracy, must also abide by this promise and learn to incorporate ethnic communities in our interests and experiences and vice versa. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bowen, L. Schmid, J. ; 1997; Minority Presence and Portrayal in Mainstream Magazine Advertising: An Update; J MC Quarterly; Vol. 74, Issue 1, pg. 134-146 Dixon, T. L. , Azocar, C. L. Casas, M. ; 2003; The Portrayal of Race Crime on Television Network News; Journal of Broadcasting Electronic Media; Vol. 47, Issue 4, pg. 498-523 Ferguson, R. ; 2000; The Potential Role of the Mass Media in Deconstructing Racism; Media Development; Vol. 0, Issue 2, pg. 20-22 Gilens, M. ; 1996; Race and Poverty in America: Public Misperceptions the American News Media; Public Opinion Quarterly; Vol. 60, pg. 515-541 Husband, C. ; 2000; Beyond contesting racism: Imagining the Polyethnic Media Environment; Media Development; Vol. 0, Issue 2, pg. 11-14 Jackson, J. ; 2000; Anything But Racism; Fairness Accuracy in Reporting Website; fair. org/extra/0001/tv-racism. html Mastro, D. E. Stern S. R. ; 2003; Representations of Race in Television Commercials: A Content Analysis of Prime-Time Advertising; Journal of Broadcasting Electronic Media; Vol. 47, Issue 4, pg. 638-647 Media Awareness Network; 2004; The Economics of Racial Ethnic Stereotyping; mediaawareness. ca/english/issues/stereotyping/ethnics_and_minorities/ minorities_economics. cfm Mertens, S. ; 2000; Everyday Racism and the Importance of a Cultural Paradigm; Media Development; Vol. 0, Issue 2, pg. 27-31 Muharrar, M. ; 1998; Media Blackface: Racial Profiling in News Reporting; Fairness Accuracy in Reporting Website; fair. org/extra/9809/media-blackface. html Ouaj, J. ; 2000; More Colour in the Media; Media Development; Vol. 0, Issue 2, pg. 6 Sabo, D. , Jansen, S. C. , Tate, D. , Carlisle-Duncan, M. Leggett, S. ; 1995; The Portrayal of Race, Ethnicity and Nationality in Televised International Athletic Events; Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles; aafla. org/9arr/ResearchReports/ResearchReport4_. htm Seneviratne, K. ; 2000; Migrants, Racism the Media a Perspective from Australia; Media Development; Vol. 0, Issue 2, pg. 17-19 Tamborini, R. ; Mastro, D. E. ; Chory-Assad, R. M. ; Huang, R. H. ; 2000; The Colour of Crime and the Court: A Content Analysis of Minority Representation on Television; J MC Quarterly; Vol. 77, Issue 3, pg. 639-653 Van Dijk. T. A. ; 2000; Media, Racism Monitoring; Media Development; Vol. 0, Issue 2, pg. 7-9

Monday, November 4, 2019

You can choose the topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

You can choose the topic - Essay Example These finding are alarming and it is a clear call to revisiting safety and health measures at work places. However, work related risks are different in the various sectors with some holding higher risks than others are. This implies that some of the safety and health measures and conditions may differ and hence all organizations should ensure that safety and health measures provided are in line with the risks related to the specific sectors. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every organization to ensure the safety and health of its entire workforce at all times. For instance taking a scenario of a company manufacturing high tech composite components for the US defense department, there are a number of measures that can be taken to ensure safety and health of its workforce. Such companies as the one in reference require significantly many safety and health measures due to the nature of activities carried out in the organization. For starters, the company should ensure to have a well written safety program addressing all the common accidents in relation to the company’s activities. Additionally, the safety program should address all necessary steps that should follow in case of an accident. In manufacturing industries, accidents are prone to happen from time to time therefore it is important to identify some of the most common accidents prone to happen. In a bid to ensure accessibility and frequent revision of these particular accidents, the company can produce some printed copies and attach them on various appropriate sites within the company. Furthermore, it is necessary that the company keeps on updating the written safety program as new accidents occur. With such a program, the entire workforce including new recruits can be alerted on these a ccidents thereby becoming more cautious in dealing with equipment or events attributed to these accidents. In line with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety and health

Friday, November 1, 2019

E-Commerce and Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

E-Commerce and Information Technology - Essay Example IT implementation, therefore, requires evaluation measures that are effective in order to be successful in implementing the new technologies intended for the organization. Theories have been evolving in recent years that are able to give guidance to an organization in implementing innovations. Technology Acceptance Model Technology acceptance model theory specifies the casual relationship present in system design features, the behaviour of usage and how the toll is easy for usage. TAM predicts the acceptability of a specific tool and any modifications that should be put in place for the tool, to be acceptable by the end users. For an information to be accepted the users will analyse its usefulness and how easy it will be for them to use it. Behaviour intention affects the usage of information systems including the perception of how it is going to be utilised. An individual’s attitude and the impact the tool to be used has on the performance greatly affects the usage of a syste m. It is true to say that if an individual does not welcome the use of information system in the workplace but has perceptions that it will improve work performance; the individual will eventually use the information systems at the end of it all. With TAM, there is a link between what an employee at the work place perceives and the usefulness of the tool to be implemented. The extent to which technology will be used in an organization is mainly caused by technology diffusion;1 moreover, an employee’s ease of use attitude at the workplace will be influenced by a self-efficacy mechanism and his instrumentality. The behaviour and intentions a person creates towards a system will influence the person’s perception about the said system. In some cases, an individual may form a behavioural intention of a system and not necessarily have an attitude towards it. This creates a strong relation between a system that is the self-reported usage and has a perceived usefulness and it affects an individual’s intention. On the contrary, perceived ease of use has a significant effect on the behaviour intention of and individual and it later subsides over a period. Behaviour intention of a person towards a system, therefore, is greatly influenced by its perceived usefulness and the perception of ease of use. DHL Express Finland, in a case study carried out by Kuula and Annu, adopted an IntraShip application in order to improve on their B2B customers who make orders at DHL.2 The orders that were made to DHL gave the customers a number one experience. Shipping orders, being an important part of a company’s daily operations, made the consumers have a high level of usability and the experience they had been varied within a period of 6 months to 7 years. Majority of the users had been using the applications for a period not more than two years and later changed to other service providers other than DHL Express. The customers were satisfied with the changed situation at DHL Express, and it was problematic, but it is also smooth using IntraShip application. The main issue with the customers was the fact that there were issues relating to the ability to learn of IntraShip, and this was regarding facilitating conditions such as training. Even though, the application had certain features that were harder to learn, most customers thought the application was simple and in a matter of time, they would get used to it. Having internet and technology